Tailored support to meet your needs and build inner resources for positive change.
First things first:
For those who haven't yet become obsessed with this show, let's understand a little about the story.
'Stranger Things', is set in the small, fictional town of Hawkins in the United States in the 1980s. It follows a series of mysterious events after a boy disappears and an unusual girl with super powers turns up out of the blue.
Despite the supernatural / horror themes that emerge (which usually make me run a mile), it is an endearing, engaging and at times, funny, exploration of a sleepy town that finds itself caught between its present day reality, and its terrifying, dark, monster-filled alternative town, in the 'Upside Down'.
The show weaves a complex tapestry of themes: the supernatural, good versus evil, coming of age, love, friendship, facing your demons, a decent smattering of power dynamics and some fantastic 80s nostalgia.
Throughout, music is a key driver in the story. From creating moments of joy, connection and transformation, to protecting characters, distracting demons and saving lives, music is quite the heroine here.
But just how much of this is accurate?
Does music really have this much power?
We have found that music has a particularly calming effect on the broken mind. The right song, particularly one that holds some personal meaning can prove a salient stimulus.
Whilst the concept of a 'broken mind' is dubious, it is true that our own musical preferences, particularly those that are associated with particular memories, people and experiences, are important. We all have our favourite songs that instantly transport us back to different relationships, places and times in our lives. The mechanisms of these processes are complex, but we do know that particular songs evoke autobiographical memories, emotions and nostalgia, and that music interacts with our mood, our ability to connect with others, our physiology, our neurochemistry and our immune response system.
Depending on the different qualities of the music - see 'How music assists with sleep and relaxation' - it does have the power to calm the nervous system. Similarly, music listening can foster healthy and unhealthy outcomes.
It really comes down to choosing music that
Being aware of the impact that music has on you is also important. For example, you will listen to certain music to relax, and probably something more upbeat for your morning run. If you are sad or angry, music can help to acknowledge your feelings. However, prolonged use of music for angry or depressive states may do more harm than good.
We know that music fosters bonds between parents and infants, promotes social connections and reduces isolation. Furthermore, research has established that music can be an important coping strategy when we are in pain or in a state of distress.
The song, 'Should I Stay or Should I Go' by The Clash, is an important point of connection, support and identity for brothers Jonathan and Will Byers throughout the show.
The first season sees older brother Jonathan sharing 'Should I Stay or Should I Go' with Will as a way to connect with him, to protect Will from the distress of hearing their parents fighting, and to share music listening as an important coping strategy.
As the season progresses, we learn that Will sang the song to himself in the 'Upside Down', which helped to keep him alive. Playing the song to his mother also helped Will to reach out to let her know that he was still alive.
'Stranger Things', Season 1, Chapter 2: 'The Weirdo on Maple St'.
Research has shown that musical identity is an important way, particularly for young people, to foster a sense of identity and connection to peers.
In Season 2, we see Will gradually being possessed by 'The Mindflayer'. In the final episode, as Will is struggling to hold onto his identity, Jonathan again plays 'Should I Stay or Should I Go?' by the The Clash. As the music plays, Will's family and friends are able to reach into the part of Will that is not yet possessed by 'The Mindflayer'. This enables them to share memories with him, and for Will to stay with them long enough for him to communicate important information with them.
'Stranger Things', Season 2, Chapter 8: 'The Mindflayer'.
Who hasn't experienced a range of emotions listening to music? The elation, the sadness, the anger, the yearning? We have all reached for different kinds of music when we feel sad, excited or heartbroken. The research shows what we have all felt intuitively: music impacts our emotions and the reward centres in our brain, so that we enjoy the experience of listening to or creating music and can be transported out of our experience into other realms.
In Season 3, the Hawkins gang are running out of time and desperately need Dustin's girlfirend, Suzie, to help them decipher the code for Planck's Constant. At arguably the most suspenseful moment of the season, Suzie insists that Dustin connects with her and shows his devotion by singing with her. Amongst the darkness and fear, it brings lightness and joy.
If you're in need of a little pick-me-up and have a fondness for 'The Neverending Story' from way back, I recommend you watch and listen to the clip below.
'Stranger Things', Season 3, Chapter 8: 'The Battle of Starcourt'.
Music can reach parts of the brain that words can't. So, maybe that's the key; a lifeline.
This statement is 100% true.
The cortex at the top of the brain is responsible for our higher functioning: thinking, planning, multi-tasking and focusing our attention. Put simply, all the areas below the cortex -the subcoritcal areas - process our emotions and incoming sensory data, and perform tasks necessary for movement and survival.
Making and listening to music involves both hemispheres of the brain and the simultaneous use of multiple parts of the brain - from the brain stem through to the cortex. We also know that the brain areas activated by music process other functions, and that music builds new neural pathways - for more information see 'Music: the superpower in your pocket'.
There is no doubt that music has the ability to transport us to different internal worlds. With its ability to evoke memories and emotions, influence our moods, our physiology and our neurochemistry, and foster a sense of support and connection with others, it is not surprising that the concept of music as a lifeline was used as a core part of the storyline in Season 4.
In Season 4, Chapter 4, after hearing the creepy Victor Creel humming 'Dream a little dream by Ella Fitzgerald to himself in the Pennhurst Asylum, Nancy and Robin have a hunch that listening to music may save victims of Vecna, the once-troubled youngster, turned terrifying monster who tyrannises the town in various guises throughout the show.
Luckily, they are correct.
When Max becomes Vecna’s next victim, her friends find and play her favourite song, 'Running up that hill (A Deal with God)' by Kate Bush. Playing this song provides the support that Max needs to hold onto the connection that she has with her friends so that she can focus, flee from Vecna and ultimately return to safety with her friends.
'Stranger Things', Season 4, Chapter 4: 'Dear Billy'.
This 2016 meta-analysis (a meta-analysis is a comprehensive analysis of independent research studies examining the same area in order to ascertain overall trends) examined the impact of music medicine and music therapy on procedural, acute and chronic pain in clinical settings. The author found:
In the final chapter of Season 4, 'The Piggyback', character Eddie Munson, performs 'Master of Puppets' by Metallica to distract a colony of bat-like small monsters. He is able to shift his previous response of running away from fear, overcome his fear, and act as a decoy for his friends - all while rocking out in style.
'Stranger Things', Season 4, Chapter 9: 'The Piggyback'.
The answer is yes and no.
In the event of being attacked by real monsters, I'm afraid it's all over for you and me.
However, in taking on internal demons, music really can help to:
If you're wanting to ensure your own safety from the (real or internal) monsters of the 'Upside Down', Spotify will create your very own 'Upside Down Playlist' using a mix of songs from the 'Stranger Things Spotify Playlist' and your most played songs - it's fun, check it out here.
Tailored support to meet your needs and build inner resources for positive change.
Creative embodied group supervision for counsellors, therapists and allied health
Join a small group of peers to learn, explore, connect, express and reflect through shared discussion, music and creative arts experiences.
Music: the superpower in your pocket
It’s a big claim, but think about all the times of need you have turned to music ... in times of heartbreak, teenage angst, weddings, funerals, setting the scene for a party (at the beginning and at the end of the night), for graduations, for religious services, and on and on.
How music assists with sleep and relaxation
We are a sleep deprived society. Research outlines the cost of inadequate sleep to our mental and physical health, our immune functioning and the cost to workplaces. The recommendations for a good sleep routine are well documented. However the benefits of music listening for improved physiological relaxation and sleep are less known. Find out how music listening may be your ticket to a better night’s sleep.