A love letter to women of the world on International Women's Day

group of women of different backgrounds and ages | international women's day | tempo therapy & consulting

8 Mar 2022

In 2022, International Women's Day takes place amidst war in Ukraine, flooding in Queensland and New South Wales, and the third year into the COVID-19 pandemic. With women making over 70% of the education, health care and social assistance workforce, and undertaking 50% more than men of the unpaid household chores and caring responsibilities, the current and cumulative load on women at this time is enormous.

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On this International Women's Day

I want to send a love letter to the women of the world

Women in all shapes and sizes

Women of all colours and classes

Women of all inclinations, desires and needs

Women who identify as cisgender, non-binary, trans and gender-diverse

Women loved

Women who break free

Women who are abused

Women who rage and rebel

Women who struggle through unimaginable horror

Women who hold their children close

Women with a voice

Women without a voice

Women who fight for their lives

Women who hope

Women who mourn

Women who laugh tears of joy, rage and sadness

Women who get up each morning to cook, clean, chase the missing sock, sign the form for school, negotiate a mountain of meltdowns and tears, and still get the kid to school on time

Women who work for one third less than men in the same job

Women who do menial tasks

Women who are leaders in their field

Women who clean, cook and work the field

Women who work in factories, in offices, in farms, in schools, in sheds, in hospitals

Women who drive forklifts, tractors, trucks and combine harvesters

Women who sing, dance, write and create

Women who are fast and strong

Women with muscle-butts

Women with saggy parts

Women who rise up and speak their truth

Women who fight to find their truth

Women who carry on in the face of violence

Women who nurse little ones

Women who choose not to

Women who pour love into others, who stay up all night to keep someone safe

Women who just get up every day

Dear Women of the World (on International Women's Day)

Illustration of bird with some leaves & the words 'dear women of the world' | international women's day | Tempo Therapy and consulting

Dear women of the world,

You make the world go around.

Thank you for everything and every-one that you are.

Thank you to every part of you, the big, the small, the strong, the weak, the sad, the happy, the scared, the excited, the enraged, the shy, the loving, the funny, the wild and the shamed parts of you that hide in the dark.

I see you working in this world built on patriarchal foundations.

That minimises your toil, your body, your thoughts, your love.

I see your grief, your rage, your despair, your hope, your joy and your frustration.

You are a powerhouse of love.

Even when or if you don’t know it.

You deserve love.

You deserve care.

You deserve time.

You deserve space.

Here's to a building a society and culture that acknowledges you, lifts the pressure, builds the support and pays you properly to educate, nourish, care for, heal, and assist our people.

Here's to building a society and culture that holds you up with a strong and loving foundation, without blaming you for your lack of time - a lack created by the system that sets you up and judges you.

Here's to caring for you, prioritising you and providing you with

  • space
  • and time

for your care, without guilt or doubt,

X Minky

If you are in need of help or support please reach out to a friend, a family member, someone in your community or someone at work.

If these don't help, please seek support from one of the following hotlines:

Home | 1800RESPECT​, Ph: 1800 737 732 24

Lifeline Australia - 13 11 14 - Crisis Support. Suicide Prevention.​, Ph: 13 11 14

QLife​, Ph: 1800 184 527​

Or book a virtual cuppa with Minky here.

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